Featured News

September 13 Rally in Downtown Frederick for Parents’ Rights Was a Tremendous Success
We had a terrific rally on Wednesday, with hundreds of parents and community members supporting parents’ rights and the need for changes in FCPS. We heard from over a dozen speakers, including parents, students, faith leaders, community members, Moms for Liberty, candidates for the BOE, the Senate, the 6th district Congressional seats, and Transparency in Education.

Non-Conforming Gender Versus Biology at FCPS
Among the many things FCPS is considering and/or developing is a series of videos and that present transgender identities and gender choices to FCPS students as a regular part of childhood development, and their policies and actions support and promote a one-sided version of the scientific and biological realities.

A Summary of Parents Rights on Curriculums, Opting Out of Surveys, Student Records, and Compelled Speech
It is Back to School time, and parents can prepare themselves for the new school year by becoming familiar with some key parental rights federal laws.

A School System in Maryland Wants To Charge Parents Over $18,000 To Obtain Copies of Correspondence
In response to the Montgomery County School system’s refusal to allow parents to opt out of elementary school transgender reading programs, parents requested copies of the public records of correspondence about the district’s banning the parental opt-out provision.

Montgomery County Public Schools Promote Tolerance by Becoming Intolerant
There is no longer a debate over whether the school systems in Maryland support ideology over parents and families. When MCPS decided to offer a transgender reading program to elementary school children this year, the program came with an opt-out option for parents. When an overwhelming majority of parents opted out, MCPS eliminated the opt-out option. Parents are suing.

The Policy That Allows FCPS To Withhold Information From Parents About Their Child’s Gender Identity Choices Conflicts With One of Their Own Policies on Family/School Partnership
FCPS is ignoring the facts and refusing to consider the substantial new information that indicates the current policies are out of date, including the fact that most of Europe, which has much more experience than the U.S. on this topic, is moving away from the exact type of approach FCPS continues to insist we use.

The National Teacher’s Unions Are Driving Gender Ideology Into the School Systems, Including FCPS, and the BOE Agrees
America’s largest teachers union, The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), “coached its members on how to inject gender identity politics into classroom teaching,” said the report published by the Defense of Freedom Institute on Wednesday, August 22nd.

With Multiple Policies and Regulations That Protect Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students, Why Is 443 Even Necessary?
When policy 443 went in, there were at least three policies and an FCPS regulation that ensured transgender and gender non-conforming students were protected from an unwelcoming environment. So why was 443 even installed? The history behind 443 and the push to expand an ideology explain not only why it’s in place but also why six of the seven BOE members refuse to discuss changes.

The Recent Court Ruling on Parental Notification Went Against the Parents of Montgomery County, but It Isn’t Because the Policy Is Constitutional.
The finding provides a path to winning a similar case. Last Tuesday, August 15, the 4th Circuit Court in Richmond ruled that the case brought by three Montgomery County parents to force the school system to change their policy that precludes telling parents if their child chooses an alternative gender or determines they are transgender found for the schools. But it did not confirm that the policy is legal under the Constitution.

An Adult Transgender Tennis Coach in PA Wants To Use the Same Locker Rooms and Bathrooms As Female Students. This Is a Problem for FCPS.
The coach is an adult biological male but identifies as a woman. The FCPS policy that allows the sharing of bathrooms, locker rooms/showers, overnight lodging, and changing areas by self-identified gender rather than biological sex is focused solely on students. In other words, there is no policy or plan for how to handle a transgender adult that wants to share these personal spaces with students.

The Current Policy That Precludes Parents From Being Notified of Their Child’s Gender Choices Is a Slap in the Face to All Parents
The FCPS Board of Education has made arguments against parental notification that are based on their desire to ensure a child’s emotional and physical safety. They have stated that a child must have a safe space to be themselves, and notifying parents wouldn’t be in the best interest of that child’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. They have provided a number of reasons to justify their decision, each of which we’ve disputed.

The FCPS Policy That Precludes Frederick County Schools From Notifying Parents if Their Child Chooses an Alternative Gender, Name, or Identifies As Transgender Is Not Likely To Change
The FCPS policy that precludes Frederick County schools from notifying parents if their child chooses an alternative gender, name or identifies as transgender is not likely to change. So where do the individual board members stand on a parent’s right to know?

Are Academics Taking a Second Seat to SEL and DEI? The Results Show We’re Failing Miserably, and the Plan FCPS Is Developing To Fix It Will Take at Least Eight Years
FCPS and most Maryland schools are not just welcoming transgender and gender non-conforming students but have built and supported a system that is actively encouraging children to make gender choices.

A Wake-Up Call for Parents
FCPS and most Maryland schools are not just welcoming transgender and gender non-conforming students but have built and supported a system that is actively encouraging children to make gender choices.

Is the School’s Aggressive Push of SEL Programs Related to Contributing to the Epidemic of Mental Illness Among America’s Young?
Children do not normally show up at school unsure of whether they are a boy or a girl or suffer from some anxiety or distress that’s related to their being in the wrong body. The instance of true gender confusion is extremely rare. Why is it that the instances of gender confusion in schools has and is increasing so rapidly?

Why Do We Need 443 When Existing Policies Already Protect Transgender Students?
There are policies and regulations in FCPS that provide substantial protection and establish a welcoming environment for transgender and gender non-conforming students in FCPS, and they’ve been in place since before 443.

A Notice to Parents Regarding the Potential for Filing Legal Action Against FCPS To Regain Parental Rights
The FCPS board rejected not only these recommended changes but every recommendation we made, leaving the six-year-old out-of-date policy unchanged and intact. The board also refused to meet with us to review the medical and scientific data that supported the rationale for our recommendations and would not provide the justification for their decision.

School Choice: Charter School Academic Results Outperform Traditional Public Schools
Did you know that three of the top charter schools in Maryland are right here in Frederick County? The Frederick Classical Charter School, the Monocacy Valley Montessori Charter School, and the Carroll Creek Montessori Charter School all ranked in the top five according to NICHE research. And according to Stanford University, charter schools are outperforming traditional public schools across the country.

An FCPS Board Member Has a Loose and Narrow Definition of Tolerance, Diversity and Inclusion
FCPS Board Member states that prayer during a public comment made him feel “uncomfortable” and asked the public to think about other ways to express themselves.

Another Example of How Legislation Across the Country Continues To Go Against Parents and Reduce the Control They Have Over Their Children
In legislation that echoes the same goal as recent similar legislation in Maryland, California legislators have proposed making any parent that doesn’t affirm their minor child’s transgender choice (or isn’t “gender–affirming”) guilty of child abuse.

Dumbing Down Our Students
This is happening across Maryland and has been the focus of parental outrage down the road in Montgomery County. It has been the focus of similar proposals to reduce standards in other districts across Maryland.

School Choice – Kristin Mink’s Attacks Result in Renewed Support for School Choice Benefits
Increasingly the benefits of school choice programs and funding like vouchers and Educational Scholarship Accounts (ESA’s) are being proven across the United States. Yet, under pressure from the Teachers’ Unions, Maryland continues their fight to retain the monopoly they own in a failing and increasingly activist public school system.

Racial Equity Continues To Prove It Won’t Solve Anything
Disparities in the outcomes of activities or achievement by race can be caused by a number of root causes. Ignoring these root causes, and focusing only on racism as the cause means we are working on things that will never solve or mitigate the problem.

GLSEN, the Same Group That Liz Barrett and the BOE Worked With To Install Policy 443, Calls for Teachers To Violate State Laws Banning Sexually Explicit Books
The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a nationally known organization focused on affirming LGBTQ youth, has a “Rainbow Library” program that provides “LGBTQ+ affirming K-12 text sets” and is established in 5,800 schools and libraries across 31 states.

Did MCPS Really Take Away Parents’ Rights To Opt Out of Transgender Book Reading in Elementary Schools? Could That Happen in F.
Yes, and yes. The MCPS situation was one where the MC schools were conducting reading programs using books and materials that contained references and themes based on non-conforming gender and transgender expression. This was done as part of the Health program, and therefore opting out was permitted.

How Many Students Are Forced Into Homelessness Because Their Parents Violated the Law and Pushed Them Out of Their Homes, As Opponents of Parental Notification Claim?
Very few. It happens, but as the Frederick News Post reported in 2022, there were 107 unaccompanied homeless students in Frederick County (.02% of students). No data indicates how many of the 107 resulted from a family that refused to provide a home for a child presented as transgender or gender non-conforming. We asked FCPS if they had that data, and they didn’t respond.

Why Do Opponents of Changes to 443 Continue To Slander Those Making an Effort To Update the Policy?
Since our policy proposal doesn’t remove the recognition of gender non-conforming or transgender students, we can only assume it’s because they oppose a parent’s right to be made aware of their child’s gender choices.

How Does FCPS Justify Using the Term “Assigned at Birth” To Describe Someone’s Biological Sex?
One answer can be gleaned from the new FCPS video the Family Life Advisory Committee (FLAC) proposes for use in Middle and High Schools.

Are the BOE Members Correct When They Say CRT Is Not Prevalent in FCPS?
No, and it’s not even close. Part of the problem is that board members don’t seem to be familiar with what CRT is or its primary teachings. When campaigning, several members of the current board stated that CRT is not taught in FCPS and that it was “a college-level law course.”

If You Don’t Want To Share Your Positions and the Reasons for Having Them With the Public, Don’t Run for Public Office.
Why won’t the BOE members go on record about their support for interscholastic sports team participation by self-selected gender and not biological gender? We’ve asked several times, but no one will go on record and explain why they believe allowing biological males to compete against girls is fair and in the best interests of all 45,200 students.

Why Is It Important To Notify Parents When a Child Informs the School They Are Transgender or Choose an Alternative Gender?
In the simplest possible explanation, gender confusion is a recognized psychological condition, not a biological reality. The instances of true gene or chromosome gaps and other biological anomalies that result in an instance of someone truly having a biological rationale for their gender confusion or anxiety are extremely rare, and in those instances, people that fall into this category require care that includes understanding the full medical and psychological profile of the individual.

Was Policy 443 Implemented With Full Transparency? The Short Answer Is No.
When policy 443 was implemented six years ago, its purpose was positioned as a policy “to prevent discrimination, stigmatization, harassment, and bullying of students that are transgender or non-binary in schools.” No one should disagree with that goal. But had the BOE gone to the public in a fully transparent and complete manner and asked parents and the community the following, what would the reaction have been?

Why Is It Incorrect and Even Dangerous To Call Assessing FCPS Books for Use in Schools “Book Banning”?
In a discussion in a recent forum, someone asked how we felt about the “book banning” in FCPS. We explained that the process of reviewing book content for age-appropriateness, relevancy, and the educational value relative to the goal of the lessons intended by a course makes sense and is appropriate. We also pointed out that many of the books contained graphic depictions and/or language describing sexual acts and activities that were unnecessary within the context of the lesson.

FCPS Receives a Failing Grade for Academic Achievement and Proficiency
Academic results for FCPS show dropping proficiency levels, little progress in improving scores, and results far below acceptable levels. This should concern all parents.

Frederick County School Board Continues to Struggle Managing Public Meetings and a Public Comment Segment That Works Fairly
An estimated 400-500 people attended last night’s BOE meeting, which we believe is a record turnout. Unfortunately, there were a lot of delays and missteps by the board that threw the meeting off schedule and once again made public comments harder than they should have been.

Why Does FCPS Avoid Being Transparent on Their Individual Rationale for Retaining All the Provisions in Policy 443 and Continue To Dismiss the Input of Growing Public Calls for Changes?
Read the letter we sent to the BOE and Superintendent Dyson. In the letter we expressed our displeasure with the dismissive nature of the board’s comments to the growing number of parents and community members who want to see this policy updated.

BOE Family Life Advisory Committee: Reviewing a Video for Use in High Schools That Delivers a One-Sided, Slanted Lesson on Biological Sex and Gender Identity
We will be doing a full critique of the video in the coming weeks, but here are just two examples of why these videos should not be used.

Gaps in Policy 443: What the Policy Doesn’t Address
The policy that purports to create a welcoming environment for gender non-conforming and transgender students (443) that was developed over 6 years ago is not just out of date, as we’ve proven, it is significantly incomplete.

Scientific Truths Aren’t Malleable or Subjective, So Why Is the Concept of Binary Sex in FCPS Schools Being Rejected?
As the public Health Agencies in England, Finland, Sweden, France, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, and others review the merit-based scientific evidence and ramp down and discontinue gender affirmation policies, U.S. school systems continue to push forward, ignoring the science and the evidence and sticking to acceptance and teaching gender as a choice.

If FCPS Maintains Its Current Policy of Allowing Sports Team Participation by Chosen Gender, How Do They Justify Distinguishing Who Competes on What Team?
In Frederick County, by school policy, a student can choose to play on the team that matches their self-identified gender. The school system’s position is that the student is who they say they are, so if a biological male says they are female, the policy allows them to compete on a girl’s interscholastic team.

The Assumptions FCPS Uses To Justify Its Policy of Excluding Parents Are Unreasonable and Illogical
The overall basis of FCPS’s policy that excludes a requirement for parental notification is the assertion that parents may not support a child’s decision. The definition of non-supportive is so vague and broad that it gives FCPS total control over whether a parent has the right to know about their child’s choices.

Why Aren’t Parents Speaking Up?
Many parents and residents are reluctant to speak up in opposition to the current policies and are concerned about the potential repercussions if they do so. Their concerns should be elsewhere.

Frederick County BOE Declines To Let Parents Know Where They Stand
No clarification from the Board or Dean Rose on their stance on whether high school interscholastic sports team participation should be determined by a student’s gender identity or biological gender.

Transparency in Education on WFMD: Gender Identity and FCPS Policy
Transparency in Education, with Dr. Kate Goonan and Tom Neumark, provided some insight on WFMD this past weekend on gender identity and how it is handled in Frederick County Schools.

“In Assessing Proposed Changes to Policy 443 FCPS BOE Is Now Focused on Case Law, Not the Science.” This Is the Wrong Approach.
Policy 443 does not require a parent to be notified when their child expresses confusion about their gender, chooses an alternative gender, or identifies as transgender. We believe it should be required.

The FCPS BOE Continues To Stumble on Public Comments and the Efficiency of Public BOE Meetings
The efficiency and organization of BOE public meetings seem to be deteriorating, and increasingly, the FCPS BOE is making it harder for parents to provide input via public comments. This appears to be more due to a lack of a cohesively organized meeting than by design, but the result is discontent and frustration amongst the public.

Large Crowd Comes Out in Support of Parental Rights and Changes to Policy 443
As parents and community members begin to learn more about FCPS and BOE positions on gender identity, a groundswell of support is emerging against existing policies that restrict what parents are told about their child and the policy of allowing participation in interscholastic sports teams by a student’s self-identified gender, rather than a student’s biological sex.

Transparency in Education April 5th Forum Was a Success, but More Public Education Is Needed
Our forum on Wednesday, April 5th, “Understanding Gender Dysphoria and School Policy Forum,” was well attended. Jim Lehmann hosted the forum and led off with the point that the current policy is six years old, outdated, and does not consider the impacts the current policy has on the roughly 99.5 % of the students who do not identify as transgender or gender non-conforming.

Genspect, a Respected International Organization, Continues To Be Maligned by the Local Groups Opposed to Our Proposal To Update FCPS Policy
Many of those that oppose the policy proposal we submitted to the FCPS Board of Education are criticizing Genspect, who we approached after our proposal was developed. This is an obvious attempt to discredit the organization and paint them as a fringe group.

No Biological Male Over 11 Should Be Allowed To Join a Women’s Sports Team
How is it possible for a school system to state that the physical and emotional safety of the students is a top priority and then put female students at risk of both physical injury and emotional harm by allowing biological male students to perform on girls’ sports teams?

Parents’ Rights are Civil Rights
Notwithstanding the importance of the arts, the number one priority of any school system should be academic proficiency. Everything flows from that goal; problem-solving skills, critical thinking, the values of the merit system, the benefits of hard work, the negative consequences of not meeting deadlines, the importance of following rules, and self-discipline.

“The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Dubious Transgender Science”
As other countries, like Sweden, Finland, the U.K. and medical societies in France, Belgium, and Australia turn away from aggressive programs to introduce gender choice and hormone therapy and surgery, the AAP won’t even allow a debate, and it is influencing school policy.

Breaking Parent-Child Trust
January Littlejohn, a Florida-licensed mental health counselor whose 13-year-old daughter was socially transitioned in 2020 from girl to boy without her knowledge, has been active in fighting against the school programs that keep information from parents.

Parents in Maryland Lose More Control Over What They’re Told by Schools
In response to parents who do not want their young children to be immersed in gender identity ideology in elementary schools, the Montgomery County school district decided they know better and have removed the ability of parents to opt out of gender non-conforming and transgender reading programs in K-5.

Transparency in Education Supports the “Save Women’s Sports Act”
Delegate Kathy Szeliga (7A – Baltimore and Harford County) introduced HB 0359, the Save Women’s Sports Act, to prevent people born biologically male from competing in girls’ JV and varsity high school athletics.

A Succinct List of Provisions in the Existing FCPS Policy for Handling Gender Expression and Transgender Students
We have found that many parents and community members are unfamiliar with the key provisions of the current policy, 443. These are facts taken from the policy and do not include any commentary.

Why We Submitted a Proposal To Replace the Existing Policy for Gender Expression and Transgender Students and Why the Existing Policy Must Change
When the existing policy, 443, was introduced some six years ago, it focused on the needs of the gender non-conforming and transgender students and how the system should change to support them, but it didn’t allow for the impacts that change had on all other students and the school system. This is understandable as the topic was new to schools, but we now know how broad that impact is and a lot more about the science, the importance of parental involvement, and the best methods of care.

Public BOE Meetings for FCPS
Are Not Structured or Designed for the Public
Anyone that has attended a public BOE meeting knows that they are long and packed with a lot of detailed business and discussion by the board that could be handled within closed sessions, with concise updates provided in the evening public sessions for the public.

Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Backs Move To Transfer Decisions on Curricula Content From Local School Districts to the Maryland Department of Education
Last week on March 7, we published an article that House Bill 119 has been amended and will now require local school district compliance with the Health Education Framework as set out by the State Superintendent or lose 10% of their funding.

There Are Comments Coming at Us in the Form of Arguments, Accusations, and Attacks From Opponents of the Policy Proposal
Here are three of the most frequent points made by those stating their opposition to any revision to the current policy.

Why the Current Policy (443) Needs To Be Replaced
Parents and members of the community don’t normally take notice of the details of policies and practices until they impact them personally. The fact that parents and members of the community with transgender or gender dysphoric children are so loudly supportive of the current policy is a great example.

Schools Around the Country Are Providing Examples of Just How Far Some Administrators Will Go To Keep Parents From Knowing What Gender Choices Their Children Are Making
We have repeatedly based our support for parental notification on the right of parents to know what their minor children are choosing and have backed that up with the medical and scientific data that prove outcomes and support are best when parents are involved.

Frederick County High School Group Hosts A “Drag Queen Bingo”
Drag Queen fundraising events are becoming more frequent (the Lewistown Volunteer Fire Department is hosting one on March 18), but should a high school group that maintains a page on the Brunswick High School site be doing so when there are so many other fundraising themes?

New Bill Will Remove the Ability of Individual School Districts To Control Their Own Curriculums and Policies
House Bill 119 has been amended and now proposes to require local school district compliance with the Health Education Framework as set out by the State Superintendent or lose 10% of their funding. The ability of the State Superintendent to suspend funding is currently optional and has rarely been used. It has never been used for curricula compliance.

The New Equity Climate Study Approved by FCPS Will Cost an Estimated $70,000 ($100,000 Was Budgeted), and the Company Approved To Lead It Is Heavily Invested in Social Justice and Equity
FCPS has commissioned an Equity Climate Study to provide recommendations for removing institutional barriers that have not served students, staff, and families. The firm approved and hired to conduct the Study, Insight Educators, from Minnesota, will gather information via an equity survey to all students, FCPS staff, and parents/guardians, along with interviews, focus groups, and an analysis of the data to “examine disparities.”

Federal and State Laws Enable Parents to Access Their Child’s Records at School and Protect Their Child’s Privacy
Parents’ rights under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), The Protection of Pupil’s Rights Amendment (PPRA), and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). A synopsis of the Maryland Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), The Public Information Act, and the Maryland Open Meetings Act.

Why Are So Many Books on Gender Identity, Expression, and Transgender in FCPS Elementary School Libraries?
In our original July article, we did three things: we listed the 14 schools whose libraries contained gender identity and transgender children’s books, listed a sampling of the books found in those libraries, and provided the link to the FCPS school library search tool with an explanation on how to use it.

Gender Identity Policy Proposal Update
An update on our proposal to require parental notification and our comments regarding the arguments against it. 1) Summary of the reasons the proposal is necessary. 2) Update on the current status. 3) The primary arguments of opponents to dismiss the proposal.

New Maryland Legislation Proposal Looks To Grant Minors the Authority To Make Their Own Decisions on Vaccinations
On February 1, State Senator Cheryl Kagan submitted a bill to allow minor children to make decisions on receiving a vaccination without the knowledge or consent of their parent or guardian, then withdrew the bill on February 22, citing it needs more work and that she will resubmit it at a later date.

How Policy Management at FCPS Is Failing
Policy management has several problems, including FCPS’s failure to follow its policy guidelines. FCPS policy management has many issues, including some potential legal exposure; however, two problems should be addressed with haste.

Important Update: New Policy on Parental Notifications Presented to the BOE on February 8th
Parents have a right to know about their child’s alternative gender pronoun/name choices, gender dysphoria, or whether they identify as transgender and schools have an obligation to inform parents.

New Policy Proposal Presented to the FCPS Board
On February 8, working with a number of outside groups that provided expert medical, legal, and educational input, we presented a new policy proposal to the BOE. The new policy requires the school to notify parents if their child decides to pursue an alternative gender choice and sets up a framework for the school and the parents to work together to determine the best path for that child.

Positive Step for Parental Rights in FCPS
An FCPS Policy Proposal has been created that requires school officials to notify parents of their child’s gender choices and transgender decisions.

Why Are FCPS and the Maryland State Department of Education So Devoted to the Introduction of Gender Identity in Early Education? What Should Parents Do?
If this is about inclusiveness, then one has to stop and consider the logic of a school system that would make the decision to introduce this topic and defend it as a positive step toward inclusiveness while installing a policy that excludes informing parents about what their children are doing.

Parents and the Community Need To Be Aware of Where FCPS Is and Where It’s Going
The dynamic and rapid shift FCPS is experiencing in social and emotional development is not unique, as we’ve repeatedly pointed out in our comparisons to other Maryland school districts and districts around the country. Montgomery County has been very aggressive and has now enacted a policy that allows biological males to compete on female sports teams.

Educational Freedom – Are You Pro-Choice?
The Maryland State Board of Education, the Maryland Teachers Union, the local Frederick County teachers Union, and most of the current FCPS Board of Education members oppose school choice. Given the declining academic proficiency levels and the increasing emphasis on SEL and DEI programs that are opposed by most parents and occupy more and more classroom time, this seems counter to an effective, classical education system.

Here’s Why the FCPS Opt-Out for Gender Expression/Choice Won’t Work
The FCPS administration and Board of Education have repeatedly taken the position that parents can always opt out of the Health lessons that introduce gender expression in elementary school. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop the counselors from using gender expression books and materials with students they counsel . . .

Some Takeaways From the Family Life Advisory Committee (FLAC) Meeting on January 10th, 2023
The committee covered the health standards for K-5 and the processes to ensure adherence to policy 443 (Creating Welcoming and Affirming Schools for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students). These standards contain the introduction of non-conforming genders and gender expression to children in K-5. Click Here to see those standards.

Some Updates From Around the State and Country on the Public School Environment
Sports participation by gender, racial segregation by school activity, a parents-right-to-know, and transgender bathroom use.

The Actions That Result From Policies Like FCPS 443 Are Examples of Giving Children Complete Power To Make Impactful Decisions When They Should Be Learning From Adult/Family Guidance
This week an Ohio school district forced a teacher to resign because she refused to use the preferred gender names and pronouns chosen by her students instead of their given names.The teacher’s refusal was based on her perception that it violated her religious beliefs (it’s unclear what religious beliefs these were).

Parents Need to Know the Truth About the Impacts of Gender Choices and Gender Transition
Under policies and state guidelines now in place schools can exclude parents from any conversations about their child’s decisions regarding gender and/or social and medical gender transitions. We believe this is wrong The more parents know the better they can be prepared to support changes that require they be included. We are providing an eight week educational series designed to make sure parents know the facts.

Gender Choices and The Battle of Biology in FCPS
Parents have repeatedly presented evidence to the BOE that their children are exposed to gender choices and gender fluidity. As we’ve posted in the past, you can listen to just two of the parents’ stories by clicking here. There are many more.

Parents in Frederick County Have Limited Control Over What Happens to Their Children Relative to Gender Identity and Pronoun Choices While in School.
The Maryland State Department of Education has taken the position that a child’s choice to be gender non-conforming or transgender is a privacy matter and has published guidelines that disclosure of gender choice to other people, including parents, is not required. FCPS has adopted these guidelines as part of policy 443 and its corresponding regulation 400-36.

Mail-In Ballots Shape the BOE Election Outcome and Impact Results Across the County. The Process Should Change.
It looks like three of the four new members of the BOE chosen by Frederick County residents oppose school choice and do not favor the adoption of a “parents’ right to know” policy that ensures parents are aware of their child’s gender, transition, or pronoun choices made at school.

Mail in Ballots Heavily Favor Democrats and Union-Backed Candidates by a Wide Margin
Democrats are consistently receiving 70-80% of the post-election mail-in vote counts, dramatically tightening and, in some cases, changing the results of several races. For example, David Trone received 45% of the Election Day voting, 55% of the early voting, and 80% of the mail-in votes. This pattern is consistent across virtually all races.

Important Message for Parents Regarding the 10/12 Board of Education Meeting and Gender Identity
In the Board of Education, Amanda Long, a parent of two children in FCPS, correctly pointed out that a substantial number of books on gender identity already exist within the FCPS elementary schools today, and that teachers and staff are permitted to use these materials to conduct discussions related to gender identity and are in fact having those discussions.

Policy Committee Discusses Gender Identity Notification in Their Meeting of September 28, 2022
The discussion was specific to emergency contacts but reveals something parents need to be aware of. The committee discussion was initiated after notification was received by the BOE that FCPS phoned an authorized emergency contact and used the student’s preferred pronoun during the conversation, which apparently differed from the biologically connected pronoun the student used outside the school.

FCPS’s New Policy Proposal To Address Racism in FCPS Contains a Number of Concerns
FCPS’s proposed policy, designed to combat racism continues to focus heavily on the controversial use of “anti-racism” terminology and concepts, which unquestionably align with the concepts of CRT (see previous articles FCPS Is Integrating Equity and Anti-Racism Principles Despite Its Many Problems and How Is Being an Antiracist Different Than Being Against Racism? for an explanation of how).

What Parents Need To Know About the Status of Gender Identity Lessons in FCPS Elementary Schools
The course framework presented to Maryland school districts by the state department of education (MSDE) and approved by the BOE specifies standards for the introduction of gender identity and gender expression into the elementary school Health programs.

Twelve Questions To Ask BOE Candidates
Here are our questions for candidates that can help the voters assess who is aligned with their own beliefs and positions. They cover academics, transparency, accountability, gender identity, CRT and access to public documents.

The Current Status of the Curriculum Development for the New Family Life and Human Sexuality Standards
We met with Dr. Kevin Cuppett, the Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Innovation at FCPS on September 2 to discuss the process of curriculum development, the potential weaknesses in transparency for parents in that process, and the textbook approval process.

The Structure and Policies of the FCPS Need To Allow for More Parental Empowerment
The committee structure, the BOE/community interaction, the ability of the community to obtain information from the FCPS, and FCPS policies put parents at a disadvantage.

The Maryland Teachers Union Is Heavily Weighted Towards a Progressive Agenda and Influencing Local Education
Earlier this year the state confirmed that failure to comply with the new standards related to Family Life and Human Sexuality, which include the introduction of gender identity concepts into the elementary school classrooms, could result in a loss of state funding, placing financial pressure on the FCPS to comply.

The FCPS School Opening Plan for 2022/23 Defines a More Prominent and Active Role for Equity in the Upcoming School Year
As explained elsewhere on this site, Equity and Equality are not the same thing and represent two very different approaches to addressing racism. FCPS has chosen to approach racism using Equity as its base premise. This should be a concern for parents who believe in equality and a color-blind education system.

FCPS Is Integrating Equity and Anti-Racism Principles Despite Its Many Problems
FCPS is heavily invested in rolling out policies, training, and lessons based on the principles of Equity and Anti-Racism but these are not the same as Equality and Opposing racism in all its forms. The following article explains why the FCPS approach is counterproductive to creating the racist-free environment they are looking for.

Frederick County Mirrors Montgomery County in the Areas of Gender Identity and CRT/Anti-Racism
As we hear and read more about Montgomery County, Frederick County parents should be aware that FCPS policies support the same activities and restrictions on disclosures to parents, align closely with the integration of CRT principles*, and seem to be on the same path for staff and teacher training.

FCPS Academic Proficiency: Low Priority for the BOE?
Here is the latest status of the academic testing done by the state and locally here in Frederick County.

A Report on What Parents Should Know About Parental Consent Policies
Unfortunately there is no consolidated parental notification policy where parents can go to see a list of all the FCPS actions that would generate a notice to parents and/or require a parent’s consent.

Committee Activity and What Parents Need To Know
There are 11 committees (including panels and councils) that report to the board. The Policy Committee, Curriculum and Instruction Committee, the Family Life Advisory Committee and the Racial Equity Committee are currently the most active.

How Is Being an Antiracist Different Than Being Against Racism?
These two approaches – installing an anti-racist culture and combating racism by finding where it exists and eliminating it – sound similar but they are as different as the terms equity and equality, which are also often conflated as one simple concept that is interchangeable.