On February 8, working with a number of outside groups that provided expert medical, legal, and educational input, we presented a new policy proposal to the BOE. The new policy requires the school to notify parents if their child decides to pursue an alternative gender choice and sets up a framework for the school and the parents to work together to determine the best path for that child.

The Maryland State Board of Education, the Maryland Teachers Union, the local Frederick County teachers Union, and most of the current FCPS Board of Education members oppose school choice. Given the declining academic proficiency levels and the increasing emphasis on SEL and DEI programs that are opposed by most parents and occupy more and more classroom time, this seems counter to an effective, classical education system.

This week an Ohio school district forced a teacher to resign because she refused to use the preferred gender names and pronouns chosen by her students instead of their given names.The teacher’s refusal was based on her perception that it violated her religious beliefs (it’s unclear what religious beliefs these were).