Notwithstanding the importance of the arts, the number one priority of any school system should be academic proficiency. Everything flows from that goal; problem-solving skills, critical thinking, the values of the merit system, the benefits of hard work, the negative consequences of not meeting deadlines, the importance of following rules, and self-discipline.

January Littlejohn, a Florida-licensed mental health counselor whose 13-year-old daughter was socially transitioned in 2020 from girl to boy without her knowledge, has been active in fighting against the school programs that keep information from parents.

When the existing policy, 443, was introduced some six years ago, it focused on the needs of the gender non-conforming and transgender students and how the system should change to support them, but it didn’t allow for the impacts that change had on all other students and the school system. This is understandable as the topic was new to schools, but we now know how broad that impact is and a lot more about the science, the importance of parental involvement, and the best methods of care.