Gender Choices and The Battle of Biology in FCPS

Here are three indisputable facts

  • FCPS Students of all ages and grades are being introduced to the concept that many genders exist beyond male and female and that gender is a choice one can make.
  • The choice is being portrayed as normal despite the fact that true (clinical) gender confusion or conflict is quite rare.
  • FCPS Policies and practices are designed to restrict a parent from knowing their child’s decisions. Despite statements to the contrary, this restriction is not required by the state department of education or by law.

Here Are Some of the Reasons We Find This To Be True:

Students of All Ages Are Being Introduced to the Concept That Biological Gender Is a Choice and That It Is Normal To Make That Decision.

Parents have repeatedly presented evidence to the BOE that their children are exposed to gender choices and gender fluidity. As we’ve posted in the past, you can listen to just two of the parents’ stories by clicking here. There are many more.

Test questions in FCPS classrooms now use gender-neutral terms instead of “he” or “she.” FCPS has confirmed that these test questions are developed by teachers and are approved by specialists. Truth and Transparency, a Local group, has posted examples on their social media page.

As we’ve documented in previous articles on our website, there are over a dozen elementary schools whose libraries contain books whose themes convey that gender identity is a choice.

As has been repeatedly reported in our communications, new curriculums are being developed by FCPS based on the latest state COMAR standards. The standards governing Health include accepting “all gender expressions” as early as Kindergarten.

There are multiple documented examples of FCPS students being asked what pronoun they would like to use in class/school. The examples were presented to FCPS leaders, who agreed this should not be done, yet there appears to be no effective way to ensure it doesn’t.

FCPS and Montgomery County Public Schools allow students to access locker rooms and restrooms “in alignment with their consistently asserted gender identity.” Under the current policy, parents would be unaware. This is explained in FCPS policy 443 (443.6)

FCPS policy 443.7 states that students may participate in sports and Physical education classes consistent with their chosen gender. We’re not aware that any student has chosen to participate in a sport that is not aligned with their biological gender; however, this policy leaves the door open to that possibility.

Policies and Practices are Designed to Restrict a Parent From Knowing What Decisions Their Child Makes  

Montgomery County Public Schools’ Gender Identity Policies Bar Staff from Revealing Student’s Gender Transition to Parents. This restriction is also captured in Frederick County Public School Policy 443 (443.3, 443.4, 443.7, 443.8)

FCPS Regulation 400-20 (Student Records) indicates, in section E, paragraph 5, that a change of gender can be made to a student’s records if a “healthcare practitioner who treated the student for gender identity issues” signs a statement. Parents may or may not be aware.

The media from both sides of the political debate acknowledge that this is true.

  • The Washington Post: Public schools often don’t inform parents when students socially transition. They see confidentiality as a priority — operating under gender-identity guidelines that put student privacy and safety above family consent or knowledge. July 18, 2022; Gender Transitions at School spur debate over when, or if, parents are told
  • The Epoch Times: The largest public school district in Maryland* is instructing teachers and staff not to inform parents about their child’s gender transition at school without the child’s consent. July 2022
