Why Is It Important To Notify Parents When a Child Informs the School They Are Transgender or Choose an Alternative Gender?

In the simplest possible explanation, gender confusion is a recognized psychological condition, not a biological reality. The instances of true gene or chromosome gaps and other biological anomalies that result in an instance of someone truly having a biological rationale for their gender confusion or anxiety are extremely rare, and in those instances, people that fall into this category require care that includes understanding the full medical and psychological profile of the individual. This is especially critical for a minor child, where only a parent or family member can know the details of such a profile.

Choosing an alternative gender when no such biological anomaly is present is a mental choice, and when that occurs, the cause can be any number of reasons that can range from a choice driven by social influence to it being the byproduct of an underlying psychiatric condition such as depression. When authority figures in a school system accept a child’s choice without understanding the cause(s) and do not include the parents, so the full situation is considered, they are acting in support of a social ideology and not in the best interests of the child or family. They are interfering with the parent/child relationship and development.