Did MCPS Really Take Away Parents’ Rights To Opt Out of Transgender Book Reading in Elementary Schools? Could That Happen in F.C.?

Yes, and yes. The MCPS situation was one where the MC schools were conducting reading programs using books and materials that contained references and themes based on non-conforming gender and transgender expression. This was done as part of the Health program, and therefore opting out was permitted. When a large number of parents opted out and/or expressed concerns about the program, the reading program was moved from the Health classification to English-based lessons, eliminating the parental consent or opt-out choice. A lawsuit has been filed based on this shift of classification.

As to whether this tactic could be used in FCPS, the answer is yes, if the BOE wished to do so. The MCPS lawsuit will drive whether this is an option for FCPS, but our gender expression policies and activities (as well as other efforts related to DEI) have followed the path of MCPS, so as we wrote back in 2022 if you want to know where FCPS is going look where MCPS has gone.