Breaking Parent-Child Trust

January Littlejohn, a Florida-licensed mental health counselor whose 13-year-old daughter was socially transitioned in 2020 from girl to boy without her knowledge, has been active in fighting against the school programs that keep information from parents. In an article in the Epoch Times, Little john said, “The teachers are already in a position of authority in the classroom. They send a message to the kids that they will keep the child’s secret from their parents.” Ms. Littlejohn went on to say, “That sends the idea that the parents may not be safe, which is a dangerous message to be perpetuating in our public schools.”

Ms. Littlejohn is an example of the growing number of parents who are fighting against the school systems, the state departments of education, state legislators, and the teachers’ unions for their right to be informed. On March 23, 200 local community members attended a Moms for Liberty event in Carroll County titled Town Hall: Exposing Gender Ideology to better understand what is happening in Maryland public schools. As more parents realize what they are up against, they can better understand how to support the efforts to fight legislation and policies that separate them from their children. (Learn more about gender dysphoria and FCPS school policy by attending the Understanding Gender Dysphoria and how it relates to public school policy this Wednesday, April 5, at the C Burr Artz library in downtown Frederick at 6:30 p.m. RSVP here.)

Note: Gender dysphoric and transgender children represent an estimated two-tenths of one percent of the FCPS student population, yet the groups supporting the current policy prohibiting notification are driving policies that significantly impact all 45,000 students and their families by asking them to make all of the adjustments. Those who object to the current policy are labeled trans-phobic or bigots by the small minority who continue to fight against parental notification. The chief argument against parental notification is weak, and states that notifying families will put children at risk of abuse and homelessness. All parents should find this insulting (and the data does not support this argument).