A Succinct List of Provisions in the Existing FCPS Policy for Handling Gender Expression and Transgender Students

We have found that many parents and community members are unfamiliar with the key provisions of the current policy, 443. These are facts taken from the policy and do not include any commentary.

  • Any student in any grade can choose a new gender identity, and the school system will support that decision.

  • Parents are not notified of the above unless the student agrees to allow it. This allows a minor to self-diagnose a clinically recognized medical condition and establishes a system to support that decision without notifying the parents.

  • FCPS will update the student’s official student records (non-legal records) to reflect this change.

  • Students are permitted to use restrooms, locker rooms, or changing facilities that match their chosen gender. There is no provision to notify parents that this is occurring in their child’s school.

  • Students are permitted participation in FCPS sports and physical education classes in a manner consistent with their chosen gender identity. There is no mention of how that should be administered (e.g., requiring testosterone reduction as is required by the IOCC). There is no provision for notifying parents if this should occur.

  • For overnight field trips, students are allowed to room with others according to their gender identity. This is done in consultation with the student. The parents or guardians are included if they “are involved and supportive.”

  • In its policy, FCPS incorrectly defines gender dysphoria as “innate and largely inflexible,” meaning that it is determined by factors present in an individual from birth. (We say “incorrectly” because a dozen studies show that ~70% of young children that feel they were born into the wrong body grow comfortable with their natal sex after puberty. Many in this category will eventually identify as gay or lesbian).

  • Contains no provisions or processes for educating parents on the topics of gender dysphoria and transgender.