Why Are So Many Books on Gender Identity, Expression, and Transgender in FCPS Elementary School Libraries?

In our original July article, we did three things: we listed the 14 schools whose libraries contained gender identity and transgender children’s books, listed a sampling of the books found in those libraries, and provided the link to the FCPS school library search tool with an explanation on how to use it.

This week we took another look at this and found 17 FCPS elementary schools with gender identity and transgender books, including  A House for Everyone, a story to help children learn about gender identity and gender expression; It Feels Good to be yourself (Some people are boys. Some people are girls. Some people are both, neither, or somewhere in between); Introducing Teddy, A gentle Story of gender identity (introduces the youngest readers to understanding gender identity and transition); and I am Jazz (The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings who knew from the age of 2 that she was transgender).

The question to ask is how are these books being used in FCPS and who is using them? We know from the public comments to the BOE from parents like Amanda Long, counselors are using these books with young students. Whether you agree or disagree with elementary school staff using these materials or not, this is a backdoor way of introducing the concept to young children, and the fact that under current policy this can happen without the knowledge of the parents means that FCPS can independently facilitate the support of a child showing symptoms of gender dysphoria.

Please see our website and our July 2022 article for more information, including the original list of 14 schools and the link to the library search tool, and contact your child’s school and insist you be made aware of any conversations with your child on this topic.