Important Update: New Policy on Parental Notifications Presented to the BOE on February 8th

Parents have a right to know about their child’s alternative gender pronoun/name choices, gender dysphoria, or whether they identify as transgender and schools have an obligation to inform parents.

On February 8, we presented a new policy proposal to the BOE that requires the schools to notify parents if their child makes alternative gender pronoun/name choices, has gender dysphoria, or identifies as transgender. It establishes a formal framework for the school and parents to work together to determine the best path for a child. The current FCPS policy allows the schools to keep their gender pronoun choices, gender dysphoria, from parents and allows schools to begin what psychological professionals considerer affirmative therapy without parental consent or oversight.

The policy proposal was developed over the last several months working with a number of experts at* that provided medical, psychological, legal, and educational input. The policy provides explanations of the terminology to help ensure a common basis for discussions and contains over 100 citations noting the sources of information in the policy.

Similar policies are in various stages of development throughout the U.S., and we have shared this policy proposal with Montgomery County for consideration in their efforts to require parental notification. (Parents in Montgomery County have filed a suit against the MCPS, which is still active, requiring parental notification.)

Details and next steps are summarized below. Please contact the BOE at [email protected] if you support the effort to require parental notification and this policy. Refer to the policy, which is titled The Comprehensive Gender Identity Policy Proposal 445, and that it was introduced to the board in the BOE meeting of February 8.

*Genspect is working for worldwide adoption of this policy, starting with the USA, with versions for the UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany in development. 

Expert Testimony Backs Parental Rights To Know About Their Child’s Decisions

Dr. Erica Anderson is one of a growing number of psychologists and medical experts who have become active in supporting a parents right to know about their childs gender pronoun and name changes, gender dysphoria, and transgender identity while at school, including the potential damage that can result from excluding parents from that information. Dr. Anderson has over 40 years of experience as a clinical psychologist, is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and is a Transgender Female. In addition to her testimony Dr. Anderson has filed a brief in support of the Montgomery County, Maryland lawsuit brought by parents in that county in support of parents’ right to be informed (of their child’s gender decisions). 

Dr. Anderson’s testimony in a Wisconsin case is extremely informative and can be found here.