Why Are FCPS and the Maryland State Department of Education So Devoted to the Introduction of Gender Identity in Early Education? What Should Parents Do?

If this is about inclusiveness, then one has to stop and consider the logic of a school system that would make the decision to introduce this topic and defend it as a positive step toward inclusiveness while installing a policy that excludes informing parents about what their children are doing.

Inclusiveness seems to have a new meaning in FCPS public schools.

Our position is that this topic should never be introduced in K-5 classrooms (which is in development) or in non-instructional environments (as it is today), and gender choice and transitioning should never be facilitated in any grade without parental notice and involvement (parental notification is not required today and by policy, restricted and in some cases prohibited).

Alternative gender choice based on a sense that one’s biological gender is wrong is an extremely complex psychological condition called gender dysphoria. It has been acknowledged as such by the medical community and is considered an affliction that has historically been very rare. If it is thought to be present in a child a diagnosis is recommended that includes an examination of the child’s possible underlying conditions so the most effective approach regarding how to handle the situation can be determined. It should not be treated lightly, and it should never be promoted with a one-size fits all approach. And the family should manage it. Each child’s situation is different. When the concept is introduced to minors of any age in schools, and they are permitted to make independent gender decisions without adult (family) guidance, it trivializes the entire topic and does potential harm to children who can’t fully comprehend the decisions they are making.

If the idea is to teach acceptance and tolerance, as school officials tell us, that can be done without the introduction of this topic. A better approach by FCPS would be to devote their considerable resources to educating parents on the topic (as we have attempted to do on our website and newsletter) and prepare them to handle it at home. The fact that it is not handled this way is an indication that FCPS ad the MSDE don’t believe the majority of parents would be supportive of teaching children this topic and believe that the schools should therefore be in control of delivering and framing the introduction and its impacts.

It may not be possible to stop FCPS from continuing their integration of gender expression to K-5 and throughout the school system as it is already progressed much further than parents know. It is possible to require that the policy and practice of not informing parents be changed so parental notification is required. Parents should demand that change be made. You can do so by contacting them via [email protected] to reach Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Dyson, [email protected] to reach BOE President Sue Johnson, or [email protected] to reach the BOE to provide your input.