Educational Freedom – Are You Pro-Choice?

The Maryland State Board of Education, the Maryland Teachers Union, the local Frederick County teachers Union, and most of the current FCPS Board of Education members oppose school choice. Given the declining academic proficiency levels and the increasing emphasis on SEL and DEI programs that are opposed by most parents and occupy more and more classroom time, this seems counter to an effective, classical education system.

FCPS Board of Education members have generally taken the position that providing funding for school choice options listed below would harm the current state of public education.

  • Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs). Several states are in the process of implementing this program.

  • Already in many states.

  • Homeschooling programs. Allowable in all 50 states.

  • Allowing parents to choose to redirect educational funding to non-public school alternatives. Commonly known under programs that allow the tax money to follow the child/student.

  • Expanding charter schools.

  • Allowing parents to choose what school within their school district their child attends. Transportation to and from the chosen school is the only burden on the family.

They also argued incorrectly that these programs do not work, but the evidence shows they do.

We believe competition can and has raised the performance of public schools, and with the current performance and direction of our public schools, any or all of these educational options can only help.

School choice week is January 22-28. Click below to learn more about the many options in Maryland and support candidates and legislation that provides Educational Freedom.

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