Committee Activity and What Parents Need To Know

August 9, 2022

There are 11 committees (including panels and councils) that report to the board. The Policy Committee, Curriculum and Instruction Committee, the Family Life Advisory Committee and the Racial Equity Committee are currently the most active.

Other committees include the Calendar, Investment, Special Education Advisory, FCPS Gifts for Education committees, the Ethics panel, the Citizens Advisory and the Career and Advisory Councils.


Committees have a great deal of influence over FCPS policies, curricula, actions, and strategies but transparency is not always available in a way that provides context and critical information for the community without considerable time and effort. The TIE program is attempting to fill that gap.

There is a lot of important activity happening within these committees that will have a significant impact on FCPS.

As mentioned in the newsletter committee meetings are not recorded, held on weekdays and held mostly during working hours. The minutes of virtually all committee meetings conducted this year did not provide any information on the content of the public comments, just that they were made and in some cases who made them. Minutes do however provide the topics discussed and vary by level of detail on the discussion. Funds to re-establish the recording of committee meetings and posting them publicly was not approved by the BOE for the upcoming school year.

Transparency is critical. As BOE member Jay (Mr. J) Johnson stated in a Curriculum and Instruction meeting earlier this year when referring to the need for transparency, “parents are in charge, not us.”

Information on Committee Activity

For the next several weeks we will post a detailed review of an individual committee, their purpose as defined by the FCPS, what they have been working on this year as well as the current activity in an effort to improve transparency and public awareness.

At the end of this article several recommendations for improving transparency of these committees and strengthening parental/community engagement are offered. These will be sent to the committee leaders and the BOE with an offer to meet and discuss them. Dr. Kevin Cuppett, the Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Innovation has already agreed to meet on September 2nd.

Because the Family Life Advisory Committee (FLAC) is the only committee actively accepting invitations for community members* with a Friday, August 12 deadline for applications we felt that would be the best committee to begin with. Next week we will highlight the Racial Equity Committee, followed by the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, and then Policy.

* The Racial Equity Committee will be accepting applications for membership in the next few weeks, and the Calendar Committee will be accepting applications through August 31st.


Stated purpose per FCPS: Reviews instructional material to be submitted to the Superintendent for consideration when recommending instructional material to be approved by the Board, taking into consideration the sensitive nature of comprehensive family life and HIV prevention education in schools. Note: This seems like it might be a bit outdated. Based on the activities of this committee FLAC is focused on early child development re Health and Safety and strongly influencing the related curricula.

Meetings: Met publicly January, March April, and May. Next public meeting is August 30th.

Committee members

  • Committee Chair: Pilar Olivo (Community member)
  • FLAC activities are overseen by Jaime Hitchens, Curriculum Specialist for Elementary School physical Education and Health and Brian Griffith who holds the same position for FCPS for Middle and High Schools.
  • BOE Liaison: Davis Bass.

2022 Activities:

January: topics included a discussion on materials and methods for introducing educational materials on sexting, sexual abuse, and the use of security officers, or School Resource officers (SRO).

March: the committee reviewed and approved 3 videos for students:

  • Sexual Abuse can happen to anyone (7th grade)
  • Teen Voices: Sexting, Relationships and Risks (8th grade, with the comment that it was intended to “reintroduce the sexting topic that was previously introduced in 6th”)
  • One Love: A 15 minute video depicting a teen caught in an abusive relationship

April: the Committee introduced the “BOE-approved Essential Curriculum Frameworks” for Health and Safety provided by the MSDE. The meeting was shut down early when after public comments were shut down after only10 of the 36 people registered to speak were allowed and the public attendees pushed to reopen comments. Therefore no other topics were discussed.

The minutes indicate that the committee introduced a video for 7th grade on STD’s.

May: the committee reviewed 17 sources of “materials and articles” to “evaluate and identify statements that would draw further consideration for being included in a summary draft of tips, strategies, and guidelines that could be shared with parents as a helpful resource at home.” Parents are encouraged to go to the minutes of the May 3rd FLAC committee and review these materials to gauge whether they received guidance re these sources. Some, like that from The Advocates for Youth Growth and Development contained some explicit suggestions regarding “What families need to do to raise sexually healthy Children” broken down into guidance by ages, such as “To help 4-5 year olds develop a healthy sexuality.” The reason these materials were chosen was unclear but it underscores the positions held and the approach of the FLAC committee and the influence of their guidance and recommendations for the Health and Safety curriculums. Parents can get an insight into what FLAC may consider appropriate for children as they enter the school system and push to have them clarify where this is headed.

Information on applications for this committee can be obtained via [email protected]. Deadline if this Friday, August 12th.

The Transparency in Education program will reach out the Chairperson Olivo to meet and ensure the best and most accurate information on the FLAC is made available via our website. 

Upcoming Committee Detailed Reviews For Parents

The Curriculum and Instruction Committee (September 6th detailed update on the TIE website)

FCPS stated Purpose: Reviews new curriculum, instructional programs, state or federal legislation (that) affects curriculum, instruction or school administration, and provides recommendations as appropriate to the

BOE Members: Karen Yoho, Sue Johnson. David Bass

Meeting: Next Meeting is Wednesday August 10th at 9:30am.

The Racial Equity Committee (August 24 detailed update on the TIE website)

FCPS stated Purpose:  This committee will be composed of members of the wider community that encompass many aspects of society. The charge of the Racial Equity Committee will focus on identifying discrimination or harassment, raising awareness of implicit bias, and eliminating or mitigating racial inequity or its effects across the entire school system. The Racial Equity Committee will make recommendations to the Board on aspects related to racial equity and the equity policy within all educational programs of Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS).

President: Kisha Coa (Community)

Vice President: Elissa Andrade (Community)

BOE Liaisons: Jay Mason, David Bass


BOE Policy Committee (September 11 on the TIE website)

FCPS Stated Purpose: To identify a process for policies and amendments to serve as guidelines for the operation of the school system and the successful, efficient function of the public schools.

BOE Liaisons: Jay Mason. David Bass, Sue Johnson

Meeting: Next meeting is Wednesday August 24th at 9:30


Recommendations for Improving Committee Transparency and Public Engagement

All committee and BOE public meetings should be an opportunity to bring important information to the public that improves awareness, engagement, and trust, but they are mostly administrative in nature with agendas that are decided only by the FCPS.

  • Add an Academic Proficiency Committee
  • Solicit input from the public on what they would like to know, allowing parents to request updates on topics critical to them).
  • Since most public meetings are held during weekdays, record and post the meetings to provide context, make the discussions and deliberations visible to the public.
  • When more than a month transpires between meetings a committee should provide updates on the FCPS website related to the activities and progress of critical/sensitive topics.

Some very simple changes can advance transparency a long way.